My Blog


Some have been asking me why banks often reject their loan applications. There are many reasons that banks may use to reject an application. These range from lack of adequate collateral, wrong cash flows, or an unconvincing business plan. I...

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For those that have followed my presentations at various fora, if there is anything that I talk with a lot of emphasis is self-belief or Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).  This is what makes the difference between those that will make...

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Decide Part 2

Dreamers dream, but doers do. You say “one day I will own a business.” or “in 10 years I hope to retire.” or “I wish I could buy that Range Rover.” Doers do. Yes, you need to dream, and you...

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Decide Part 1

I have come across many people, both young and mature who have told me this same old story “I want to go into business, but I don’t know where to start”. My simple answer to them is – “I can’t help...

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Stay grounded and humble at all times, but believe in yourself.  Remember everyone has some special talent and ability. Never compare your achievements or capabilities with those of others. Try to keep to your lane and copying the “Johns” might...

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Adapt or get left behind

Adaptability – it’s a word that is synonymous with entrepreneurs. It’s defined as the ability or willingness to change in order to suit different conditions. In business, change is constant, and in order to survive and thrive, it’s essential to...

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Keep learning to keep building

They say that the more you know, the less you fear. Perhaps that’s why so many entrepreneurs have a thirst for learning as they build their businesses. Often a fear of failure is at the heart of that desire to...

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Widow’s day YOLK

June 23rd is recognized on the UN calendar as International Widows Day to raise awareness of widows’ silenced voices. Poverty and injustice are also faced by many widows and their children. International Widows Day 2022 theme being “Sustainable Solutions for Widows...

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Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. They research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives.The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental in the work to...

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MMS Library

I always dreamt of going into business when growing up. One of the things I kept telling myself and asking the Almighty for is that I would use the privilege owning that business to do GOOD. Largely, I have achieved...

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Growing your business from good to great

Unapparelled Woman 20th May 2022 GROWING YOUR BUSINESS FROM GOOD TO GREAT Unapparelled Woman Entrepreneurial Summit 20th May 2022 Unapparelled – exceptional, having no parallel,  having no equal or match,  unique. And indeed we all unique in our different ways.  The danger is...

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Sowing into your business

As we think about what projects (seeds) to plant, I’ve been reminded of the first basic leadership law: You harvest what you sow. To put it another way, to reap the benefits or achieve success, you must first sow. You...

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