Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. They research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives.
The Inner Development Goals framework is fundamental in the work to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Why the IDGs now? Global Goals for 2030 can only be accelerated by a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and convictions. Modern research shows that the inner abilities we all need now can be developed.
IDGs framework is represented by 5 categories namely Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting for driving change.
In May 2022, I was invited to speak at the Inner Dev Goals Summit in Stockholm in a panel discussion chaired by a great woman Asa Jarskog on the Collaborating pillar.
I shared on the following:

  • The need for social skills to make progress on shared concerns, and gave an example of Ubuntu where as a people, Ubuntu (I am because we are), as espoused by Tata Nelson Mandela should be developed for our young generation who need to move away from being entitled and move towards purposeful lives and develop abilities for future leadership.
  • For Agenda2030 success, the need to recognize that development can only be sustainable if its inclusive and embedded in the concept of “leaving no one behind”, and gave an example of my role of providing leadership in the women economic empowerment space as SDGs like poverty reduction, Education, Water and sanitation, Equality etc.. will have much traction as women are central to most SDGs, if they are socially and economically empowered.
  • Took liberty to share that our Govt policies embrace SDGs through the current NDS2025 which is aligned to the 2030 Global Agenda
  • Overly, this was a fulfilling summit as I was one of the people that then spend 3 days at Ekskäret Island working on the IDGs Toolkit with some great minds from Stockholm School of Economics, Harvard Business School, MIT, London School of Economics, Oxford Uni etc…
  • The pristine island was donated to a foundation by the generous and humble Tomas Bjorkman Who is also a founding member of the IDGs.

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